World Science and Research PublishingGlobal Journal of Animal Scientific Research2345-43772320140623Potentialities of dairy production of local cattle raised in rural environment in northern Côte d’Ivoire260269ENDidierPaulinSokouriUniversité Félix Houphouet Boigny. didiersokouri@yahoo.fr201405212014061920140618This study aims to underline the real dairy performances of local cattle breeds (N’Dama, Méré and Métis) raised in rural conditions. Méré cattle is a crossbreed from crossbreeding between local trypanotolerant taurine breeds (Baoulé breed mainly) and zebu breeds from Burkina Faso and Mali, mainly. The designation ‘‘Métis’’ has been given to animals recognized as crossbred, but of unknown parents. Three parameters (Milk production, Duration of lactation and Calving interval) were studied in six rural localities of the northern region of Côte d’Ivoire. The results showed that milk quantity produced by Métis cattle, 262 ± 77 kg was significantly higher (P = 0.042) than those of the two other cattle. Méré cattle with 223.3 ± 64 of milk, was significantly different from N’Dama breed (193.53 ± 46.76 kg). Quantity of milk produced and duration of lactation were significantly influenced (P<0.05) by genetic type (N’Dama, Méré, Métis), age, calving season. But it was not the same case for calving interval. Inadequate natural and technical environment affect the genetic potential of local breeds expression. Adequate management conditions could substantially enhance the dairy performances of local cattle.


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