Effect of Feeding Urea Molasses Blocks on Some Serum Biochemical Attributed to Local Mahari Goats

mujahed omar lutfi bushwereb, Aisha Jugdam, Ramadan Mabruk, Fahima Alnajar


Twenty local Mahari goats 10 males and 10 females aged 5 - 6 months with an average body weight 20.24kg and 17.57kg respectively, were used to evaluate the effects of formulated feeding urea molasses blocks (UMB) on some haematological and biochemical parameters. The study was carried out at the Experimental Field Station Faculty of the Agriculture University of Tripoli. Animals were divided according to their sex type into two test groups fed a diet with or without urea molasses blocks (UMB). Body weight was recorded and blood samples were collected and analysed for alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine as well as serum cholesterol (SC), glucose (SG) and total protein (STP) on the first day and thereafter every month until the end of the trial for 6 months. The results revealed no significant difference in liver serum enzyme between experimental groups. Feeding UMB significantly (P<0.01) decreased creatinine values for both males and females. The BUN was significant (P<0.01) differences among male treatments consumed UMB, on the other hand, no significant changes were observed with females. No significant differences in STP and SC were observed between experimental groups for both males and females. STB results showed a difference changes among treatments in favour of UMB with females while no differences were observed with males. SG values indicate a significant (P<0.05) decrease among treatments in favour of UMB with males only. The blood analysis of the local goats resulted in this study were within the reference ranges indicating that the feeding UMB supplementation does not show any health problems. This could signify the potential need for using the technology of making UMB in Libya as an alternative supplementation of feed ingredients to improve the feeding programme for local Mahari goats. 


Mahari goats, urea-molasses blocks, liver function, kidney function

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