Development of GIS-based Ecological Carrying Capacity Assessment System

Gholamreza Badjian


Earth ecosystems cover about 28% of our planet, but only 25% of these ecosystems are green, while the remainders are characterized by sparse vegetation cover that shows the color of the soil beneath. Much of the sparse vegetation is found in arid and semiarid deserts. Using the GIS-based approach, Ecological Carrying Capacity Model of Nutrition Resources (ECCNR) is based on grazing energy intake. This study focused on the identification and analysis of the components of the ECCNR during three years in the Bakkan distinct, located in Southern Iran. The objectives of the study were to identify and describe the current components of the highland range, crop production system, the grazing ruminant production system and their interactions. Based on the study objectives, an approach system was determined to be the best way of recognizing the effects of, and the relationships between the components and modeling and simulating them is the most effective way to study and assess this complex system. Surveys were used as a technique to gather data, from interviews with nomads and the heads of their groups over a period of three years. The observations validate the generalized structure of the ECCNR under the different feeding and production systems, and this model can be coupled with the appropriate models of feeds and feeding systems in rangeland, cropland, and hand feeding systems.


Ecological carrying capacity; ecological modelling, grazing energy intake; nutrition resources; southern Iran.

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