The Determination of Metabolizable Protein of treated Alfalfa with sunlight heat and formaldehyde

Mehdi Moghaddam


The present study was carried out to determine the metabolizable protein (MP) of treated alfalfa, using nylon bags technique. Two fistulated whether with average BW 45±2 kg were used. The data was analyzed using completely randomized design. The experimental treatments were treatments A: control treatment, B: alfalfa treated with 0.4% formaldehyde and chopped before drying sun, C: alfalfa treated with 0.4% formaldehyde and D: alfalfa chopped before drying sun. The incubation times were 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 h. The degradability parameters of crud protein (CP) for soluble fractions (a) were 8.16, 5.7, 7.15 and 5.88% and fermentable fractions (b) were 72.023, 37.113, 49.11 and 54.35% for treatments of A, B, C and D, respectively. The MP of treatments A, B, C and D were obtained 119.72, 131.39, 132.49 and 127.45 gkg-1DM, showing a significant difference between four treatments. The alfalfa treated with 0.4% formaldehyde had high MP compared to others. These results showed that the processing of alfalfa with formaldehyde and sunlight heat caused high MP.


Alfalfa, Formaldehyde, Metabolizable protein, Nylon bags, Sunlight heat

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