Determine of Some Macro Minerals Potassium and Phosphors in the Blood Serum of Goats Grazing At El-Khuwei Locality, West Kordofan State, Sudan

Abdel Moniem Mahmoud Ali El hag


The main objective was to determine macro minerals of potassium and phosphors in the blood serum of goats grazing at flowering and seed setting stage during 2011 in El-khuwei locality, west Kordofan, Sudan. A completely randomized design was used (CRD). Sampling was done on two stages at flowering and seed setting in selected locations (2 km2 each). Within each stage 60 goats randomly selected, randomly collected samples of blood serum. Stages had significant (P< 0.0001) effect on blood serum of goats was highly K (5.10-3.88 mmol/L) concentration at flowering stage and least during the seed setting stage respectively. Concentration of P (2.96-3.94mg/dl) were decreased at flowering stage and increased at seed setting stage respectively. It can be concluded that at the flowering stage highly potassium concentration and decreased phosphors concentration. However during the seed setting stage least potassium concentration and increased phosphors concentration.


Stages; serum; potassium and phosphors

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